Friday, 28 December 2012


hey everyone!

so I'm not going to bother apologising for my absence of blogging because it's happened so many times!

Recently, it's been Christmas as you all know and many of you may be celebrating still, but the Christmas period finishes after boxing day for me, and were on to the new year, yay! Have any of you prepared some New Years Resolutions?, I have.... healthy eating (all the time) and exercising(possibly not all the time), these both are always my new years resolutions, but I never seem to go through with it, but I'm serious this time. I seriously need to shape up for the summer!

Any way forget about resolutions for now, and because I never blogged one bit in Christmas, how was it for you? nice roast dinner? a lot of presents? small amount ? what have you been up to? let me know :D

I got amazing presents for Christmas, and although one of them included a laptop which I am most grateful for, my favourite present was in fact a very, very, very large hamper, that my mummy made all for me. Seriously, it was brilliant. It included many different pamper products and items, that of course I pampered myself in and will do for probably the next year with the supply of products I got.

So tell me how your Christmas went, and what you may be doing to celebrate New Years Eve?

for any enquiry's or questions feel free to email me -

Or tweet for some general chit chat :) - @jordanedavis

Jordane x

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